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Kim Jong Un macht Vor-Ort Anleitungen
(19.11.2012, 15:22)ml91 schrieb: Kim Jong Un hat nun auch mal Ähnlichkeit mit seinem Vater:

[Bild: 1105331-2.jpg]

Nun hat er also die Frisur des Großvaters und die Brille, sowie das Lächeln des Vaters.

Gefällt mir :-)
Na ich weiß nicht- als junger erfolgreicher Mann, könnte an sich aber besser kleiden.
(19.11.2012, 20:48)kalksee schrieb: Na ich weiß nicht- als junger erfolgreicher Mann, könnte an sich aber besser kleiden.

Hey, Geschmäcker sind halt verschieden Wink
Hmm komisch, hatte eigentlich ein anderes Foto verlinkt, aber Juche hat es in seinem Beitrag ja auch nochmal gepostet.
Anlässlich des Gründungstages der Sicherheitsbehörde besuchte Marschall Kim Jong Un, Erster Sekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas, Erster Vorsitzender des Verteidigungskomitees der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea und Oberster Befehlshaber der Koreanischen Volksarmee, in Begleitung von Choe Ryong Hae und Jang Song Thaek das Staatssicherheitsministerium der DVRK und beglückwünschte dessen Mitarbeiter herzlich.
Er gab seiner Erwartung Ausdruck, dass sie bei der Vereitelung der Vernichtungsmachenschaften der Imperialisten und Reaktionäre gegen die DVRK Todesmutigkeit und unvergleichliche Tapferkeit an den Tag legen und ihre Ehrenpflicht erfüllen würden und ließ sich mit ihnen vor der Bronzestatue des Generalissimus Kim Jong Il zum Andenken fotografieren.
Bei der anschließenden Besprechung mit verantwortlichen Funktionären stellte er fest, dass das Ministerium alle niederträchtigen Intrigen der Feinde zur Verhinderung des siegreichen Voranschreitens der koreanischen Revolution unbarmherzig durchkreuze und dadurch das sozialistische Vaterland zuverlässig verteidige und würdigte seine kämpferischen Heldentaten.
Marschall Kim Jong Un betonte, dass die Mission des Ministeriums bei der Verteidigung der Souveränität des Landes und der Nation sehr wichtig sei und stellte den Mitarbeitern der Sicherheitsbehörde programmatische Aufgaben.

(nach einem Bericht der Stimme Koreas)

Marshal Kim Jong Un Sends Congratulations to All People's Security Personnel

Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un on Friday sent a congratulatory message to the participants in the national meeting of chiefs of branch social security stations and all other security personnel.
Kim Jong Un said in the message that the meeting marked an important occasion in eternally preserving and glorifying Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il's Juche-oriented idea of people's security and their undying leadership exploits and in bringing about a drastic turn in the work for ensuring people's security by increasing the branch security stations' militant functions and roles as required by the new historic era of Juche revolution.
While a company plays a pivotal role in the People's Army, the branch security station does a similar role at the people's security organ and it is a key link in the chain efforts for bolstering the combat capability of the people's security organ to increase its militancy, the message noted, adding that this is the unique idea of building people's security organ enunciated by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
The Workers' Party of Korea has attached importance to the People's Internal Security Forces and paid deep attention to strengthening the branch security stations true to the noble intentions of the great Generalissimos, the message said, and continued:
The WPK took a measure to hold the national meeting of chiefs of branch security stations as the first meeting in the field of people's security in 2012, the beginning of another century of Juche.
The message highly praised the feats performed by the participants in the meeting and all other security personnel, recalling that they have reliably defended the lifeline of Juche revolution and stood guard over the outpost of the class struggle, holding high the banner of devotedly safeguarding the leader under the leadership of the WPK in the glorious days and trying days.
It is the determination and will of the WPK to put forward the People's Army and the People's Internal Security Forces on the first line of Songun revolution and build a thriving nation and reunify the country in reliance on their invincible military power, the message said, and went on:
If the People's Internal Security Forces are to discharge their honorable mission and role, it is necessary to strengthen the branch station, a cell and the lowest combat unit of the people's security organ.
The main task facing the branch security stations at present is to consolidate area in their charge into a fortress for devotedly defending the headquarters of revolution by applying Kim Jong Il's patriotism to the security work and creditably protect the socialist system and the people's lives and properties by turning the area into a safe one free from crimes, law-breaking and accidents.
"Let us become matchless and stalwart security persons devotedly defending the party, social system and people!" -- this is the militant slogan to be held high by the security persons and service personnel of the ISF.
It is also necessary to beef up security for the factories, enterprises, cooperative farms, public service facilities and major construction sites in the areas in their charge to provide a sure legal guarantee for the building of a socialist economic power.
True to the noble will of Kim Jong Il, who enabled them to go by the
word "people" in their name, people's security personnel should make it deeply rooted habit to love the people and dedicate themselves to them and thus take care of and protect the Korean people, the best people in the world, so that they may live in peace, enjoying luxury and wealth under socialism.
Marshal Kim Jong Un expressed firm belief that they would creditably discharge their honorable mission and duty as revolutionary armed forces of the WPK and internal security forces of the supreme commander.

N. Korean leader urges crackdown on rebellious forces

SEOUL, Nov. 24 (Yonhap) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has urged stepped-up efforts to identify and crack down on what he called rebellious elements of society, the North's state media reported Saturday.
Such calls came in a congratulatory message to a national meeting of chiefs of branch social security (police) stations held Friday, according to a report by the North's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).
An English version of the KCNA report simply stated Kim's message praised the country's social security station chiefs for "preserving and glorifying generalissimos Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il," the North's former leaders and Kim's late grandfather and father.
However, a separate and lengthy report in Korean said Kim has urged the security forces to find and crush "rebellious people who are maneuvering behind the scenes to destroy our unity and prompt a riot," partly confirming reports of possible rebellions there in recent years.
Kim said the security forces must also "find those who are only waiting to unleash their hidden dagger and mercilessly crush every one of them," according to the KCNA report.
Reiten soll jetzt Volkssport werden..
Eigentlich nur konsequent, ich erinnere da an die Militärparade vom 15. April.
Das ist ca cool-Reitplätze des Militärs zur Reitclubs für Otto-Normalbürger.
Rüstungskonversion auf 4 Beinen sozusagen.

Gibt es eigentlich viele Einheiten mit Reitplätzen und Pferdebestand bei der nordkoreanischen Armee?
Oder ist die Einheit 534 die einzige Parade-Pferd-Einheit und der Wille Kim Jong Uns gilt dann nur für diese Einheit?
Laut diesem Artikel, hat der Reitsport schon lange Tradition in Korea (seit der Koguryo-Era). Erste Hinweise gibt es seit den Jahren "277 B.C.-668 A.D"!

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