19.08.2008, 08:03
Nordkorea vermietet die Eisenbahnstrecke zwischen Tumangang und Rajin für 49 Jahre an ein russisch-nordkoreanisches Joint-Venture Unternehmen mit den Namen RasonKonTrans (Kapitalaufteilung 70% : 30% zugunsten der Russen), wobei die Strecke renoviert werden, in Rajin ein Containerterminal eingerichtet und der Bau (?) der Strecke Rajin - Namyang (Grenzort zu China) ins Auge gefasst werden soll.
Hier dazu zwei Pressemeldungen der Russischen Eisenbahn vom 25.4. und 12.8.2008:
Apr 25, 2008 Russian Railways and North Korea to implement Khasan - Rajin project.
Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin and Kim Yong Sam of North Korea’s Minister of Railways have signed a cooperation agreement under which the two parties agreed jointly to implement the pilot project Khasan to Rajin, which includes reconstructing the stretch of railway between Tumangan and Rajin and building a container terminal at the port of Rajin, as well as the subsequent operation of this infrastructure.
In order to implement the project, as part of the general agreement, a contract was signed under which Russian Railways Trading House (from the Russian side) and the port of Rajin (from the Korean side) will set up a joint venture to attract investment to the project, as well as contractors to undertake the reconstruction of the stretch between Tumangan and Rajin (52 km) and build the container terminal at Rajin.
The joint venture was set up for a term of 49 years, with the Russian side holding 70% of the registered capital and North Korea the remaining 30%.
Aug 12, 2008 Contract and Agreement signed in Pyongyang.
On 6 August in Pyongyang, a 49-year contract was signed for the lease of rail infrastructure on the stretch between Tumangan - Rajin and an agreement concluded to start building work on the reconstruction of railways and the construction of a container terminal at the port of Rajin. This followed talks on August 5-6 in Pyongyang between Russian Railways, the Russian-Korean joint venture RasonKonTrans and the Railway Transport Company Tonhe from North Korea’s Ministry of Railways.
The parties agreed to organise a ceremony on the commencement of work on the reconstruction of the railway line between Tumangan - Rajin and the construction of the Rajin terminal before the end of 2008
It was also agreed to explore the possibility of reconstructing the railway line in North Korea between Rajin and Namyan on the border with China in order to organise the transit of freight with China. The parties consider this area to be very promising and it could become the next phase in the implementation of the Khassan - Rajin project.
As a result of the negotiations, a Board of Directors of the joint venture RasonKonTrans was formed and held its first meeting, during which senior officials were elected to the Board Council and topical issues agreed related to the organisation and management of the joint venture.
Etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig ist die russische Transkription koreanischer Namen. Im russichen gibt es anscheinend nicht die Endung "-ng".
Dementsprechend sind die in der Pressemitteilung angeführten Namen:
Namyan > Namyang
Tonhe > Tonghae
Tumangan > Tumangang
Interessant ist auch der (Aus)bau der Route Rajin-Namyang. Vermutlich erhofft man sich ein erhebliches Transitaufkommen an chinesischen Exporten, die via Rajin verschifft werden könnten.
Bleibt nur noch die Frage nach der geplanten Spurweite für beide Strecken. Normalspur oder russische Breitspur ?
Hier dazu zwei Pressemeldungen der Russischen Eisenbahn vom 25.4. und 12.8.2008:
Apr 25, 2008 Russian Railways and North Korea to implement Khasan - Rajin project.
Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin and Kim Yong Sam of North Korea’s Minister of Railways have signed a cooperation agreement under which the two parties agreed jointly to implement the pilot project Khasan to Rajin, which includes reconstructing the stretch of railway between Tumangan and Rajin and building a container terminal at the port of Rajin, as well as the subsequent operation of this infrastructure.
In order to implement the project, as part of the general agreement, a contract was signed under which Russian Railways Trading House (from the Russian side) and the port of Rajin (from the Korean side) will set up a joint venture to attract investment to the project, as well as contractors to undertake the reconstruction of the stretch between Tumangan and Rajin (52 km) and build the container terminal at Rajin.
The joint venture was set up for a term of 49 years, with the Russian side holding 70% of the registered capital and North Korea the remaining 30%.
Aug 12, 2008 Contract and Agreement signed in Pyongyang.
On 6 August in Pyongyang, a 49-year contract was signed for the lease of rail infrastructure on the stretch between Tumangan - Rajin and an agreement concluded to start building work on the reconstruction of railways and the construction of a container terminal at the port of Rajin. This followed talks on August 5-6 in Pyongyang between Russian Railways, the Russian-Korean joint venture RasonKonTrans and the Railway Transport Company Tonhe from North Korea’s Ministry of Railways.
The parties agreed to organise a ceremony on the commencement of work on the reconstruction of the railway line between Tumangan - Rajin and the construction of the Rajin terminal before the end of 2008
It was also agreed to explore the possibility of reconstructing the railway line in North Korea between Rajin and Namyan on the border with China in order to organise the transit of freight with China. The parties consider this area to be very promising and it could become the next phase in the implementation of the Khassan - Rajin project.
As a result of the negotiations, a Board of Directors of the joint venture RasonKonTrans was formed and held its first meeting, during which senior officials were elected to the Board Council and topical issues agreed related to the organisation and management of the joint venture.
Etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig ist die russische Transkription koreanischer Namen. Im russichen gibt es anscheinend nicht die Endung "-ng".
Dementsprechend sind die in der Pressemitteilung angeführten Namen:
Namyan > Namyang
Tonhe > Tonghae
Tumangan > Tumangang
Interessant ist auch der (Aus)bau der Route Rajin-Namyang. Vermutlich erhofft man sich ein erhebliches Transitaufkommen an chinesischen Exporten, die via Rajin verschifft werden könnten.
Bleibt nur noch die Frage nach der geplanten Spurweite für beide Strecken. Normalspur oder russische Breitspur ?