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erste Biografische Hintergründe zu Kim Jong Un?
(29.11.2012, 11:41)Kuwolsan schrieb:
(22.11.2012, 09:19)Kuwolsan schrieb: ...
2. angekündigt, dass mit der Herausgabe der "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il Works" begonnen wird ?!

Frage dazu:
ist nun bereits ein 1. Band der "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il Works" erschienen? - und

Habe heute folgende KCNA-Meldung gesehen:

Vol. 2 of "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works" Off Press

Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) -- Vol. 2 of "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works" was brought out by the Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House.
It is a library of the immortal Juche idea, Songun idea which systematically and comprehensively deals with famous works of leader Kim Jong Il in a chronological order.
The book contains 114 works including historic speeches, conclusions and talks made by him from August 1960 to April 1961.
The works indicate ideas, theories and policies related to realizing ...

Ich ergänze mal:

Korean revolution, socialist construction, country's reunification and the cause of global independence he clarified with his energetic ideological and theoretical activities in the first days of providing the Songun revolutionary leadership.

His works "Kim Il Sung University Is the University of the Leader Both in Name and Reality" and "O Korea, I Will Add Glory to Thee" clarify the mission and duty of Kim Il Sung University and express unshakable will to become the master with responsibilities for the Korean revolution and uphold the cause of the leader generation after generation.

"'Let Us Devotedly Defend the Party Central Committee Headed by the Respected Comrade Kim Il Sung!', The People's Army Should Advance Upholding This Slogan", "Immortal Life of Revolutionary Lies in Boundless Loyalty to the Leader" and other works expound the idea that devotedly defending the party and the leader serves as a decisive guarantee for the victory of the Korean revolution.

Works "On Having Proper Understanding of Revolutionary Traditions", "Portraying the Leader Is an Important Task Facing the Field of Revolutionary Literature and Art" specify principled issues arising in fully preserving the revolutionary traditions of Juche and depicting the greatness of leaders.

The works indicate the idea for the students to prepare themselves to be talents with wide and deep knowledge of the fields they are majoring in, the issue for them to train themselves to be aware of the reality and use the knowledge they learnt in it through the socio-political activities and others.

The book also contains works dealing with the idea of studying the theoretical issues of political economy based on the historical facts and actual conditions of Korea, the inevitability of the collapse of the colonial system of imperialism and tasks and ways arising in the anti-U.S. struggle of the south Korean people.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: Erstes Buch über Kim Jong Un erschienen - von Juche - 29.11.2012, 16:06
Zum Thema "Personenkult" - von rroft - 01.12.2012, 22:51

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