02.02.2009, 08:36
Einige Informationen zum Wahlsystem in der DPRK fand ich in einem alten bericht der Choson-Sinbo:
Und Ollitirol hatte recht:
Kim Jong Il läßt sich als Kandidat für den Sitz eines einfachen SPA-Mitgliedes zur Wahl im März aufstellen
(siehe diese KCNA-Nachricht vom 2.2.2009:
"Kim Jong Il Nominated as Candidate for Deputy to 12th SPA
Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il was nominated as a candidate for deputy to the 12th Supreme People's Assembly.
The voters' meeting of Constituency No. 333 to nominate Kim Jong Il as a candidate for deputy was held at the April 25 House of Culture on Sunday.
Present there were Jo Myong Rok, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, Kim Kyok Sik, chief of the General Staff of the KPA and others and leading officials of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces and officers and men of the KPA.
He courteously proposed the nomination of Kim Jong Il as a candidate for deputy to the SPA at Constituency No. 333, reflecting the ardent desire of all the voters and servicepersons of the KPA.
All the servicepersons present there fully supported and hailed his proposal.
Kim Jong Gak, first vice-director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, and other speakers expressed full support and approval of the reporter's proposal, adding that it is the greatest privilege of the servicepersons of the KPA and the great honor of Kim Il Sung's nation to nominate the Supreme Commander as a candidate for deputy to the SPA.
It was solemnly declared at the meeting that Kim Jong Il was nominated as a candidate for deputy to the SPA at Constituency No. 333 for the election of deputies to the 12th SPA by the unanimous wishes and absolute support and approval of all the voters."
Und Ollitirol hatte recht:
Kim Jong Il läßt sich als Kandidat für den Sitz eines einfachen SPA-Mitgliedes zur Wahl im März aufstellen
(siehe diese KCNA-Nachricht vom 2.2.2009:
"Kim Jong Il Nominated as Candidate for Deputy to 12th SPA
Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il was nominated as a candidate for deputy to the 12th Supreme People's Assembly.
The voters' meeting of Constituency No. 333 to nominate Kim Jong Il as a candidate for deputy was held at the April 25 House of Culture on Sunday.
Present there were Jo Myong Rok, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, Kim Kyok Sik, chief of the General Staff of the KPA and others and leading officials of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces and officers and men of the KPA.
He courteously proposed the nomination of Kim Jong Il as a candidate for deputy to the SPA at Constituency No. 333, reflecting the ardent desire of all the voters and servicepersons of the KPA.
All the servicepersons present there fully supported and hailed his proposal.
Kim Jong Gak, first vice-director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, and other speakers expressed full support and approval of the reporter's proposal, adding that it is the greatest privilege of the servicepersons of the KPA and the great honor of Kim Il Sung's nation to nominate the Supreme Commander as a candidate for deputy to the SPA.
It was solemnly declared at the meeting that Kim Jong Il was nominated as a candidate for deputy to the SPA at Constituency No. 333 for the election of deputies to the 12th SPA by the unanimous wishes and absolute support and approval of all the voters."