(02.04.2013, 08:43)Kuwolsan schrieb:Ich glaube, Du verwechselst hier den von Dir erwähnten Beitrag mit dem über das März-Plenum des ZK der PdAK.(01.04.2013, 15:45)rroft schrieb:@ rroft,Pak Pong Ju (2. Reihe links), Mitglied des Politbüros des ZK der PdAK, wurde wieder zum Vorsitzenden des Ministerkabinetts der DVRK gewählt.
gestern Nachmittag hattest du doch viele andere Photos von der Sitzung der Obersten Volksversammlung hier in deinen Beitrag mithereinkopiert. Warum hast du alle wieder weggelöscht und stattdesen dieses Uralt-Foto (ganz oben) dazugefügt?
Short Biography of Premier Pak Pong Ju
Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) – The following is the short biography of Pak Pong Ju elected premier of the Cabinet at the 7th Session of the 12th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK held on Monday:
He was born in Kim Chaek City, North Hamgyong Province on April 10, Juche 28 (1939). He received the qualifications of machine building engineer after graduating from Tokchon University of Technology.
He has worked as director of the Light Industry Department of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea since April Juche 101 (2012) after holding the posts of vice department director of the provincial party committee, chief secretary of the party committee of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, minister of Chemical Industry, premier of the Cabinet and first vice department director of the WPK Central Committee. -0-
He was born in Kim Chaek City, North Hamgyong Province on April 10, Juche 28 (1939). He received the qualifications of machine building engineer after graduating from Tokchon University of Technology.
He has worked as director of the Light Industry Department of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea since April Juche 101 (2012) after holding the posts of vice department director of the provincial party committee, chief secretary of the party committee of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, minister of Chemical Industry, premier of the Cabinet and first vice department director of the WPK Central Committee. -0-
Short Biography of Honorary Vice-President of SPA Presidium Choe Yong Rim
Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) – The following is the short biography of Choe Yong Rim elected honorary vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK at the 7th Session of the 12th SPA held on Monday.
He was born in Kyonghung County, North Hamgyong Province on November 20, Juche 19 (1930). He joined the People's Army in July, Juche 39 (1950). He received the qualifications of economy engineer after graduating from a university.
He has worked as premier of the Cabinet since June, Juche 99 (2010) after holding the posts of instructor, head of a section, vice department director, first vice department director and department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, chief secretary of the Kumsusan Assembly Hall, vice-premier of the Administration Council, director of the Central Public Prosecutors Office, secretary general of the SPA Presidium and chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK. -0-
He was born in Kyonghung County, North Hamgyong Province on November 20, Juche 19 (1930). He joined the People's Army in July, Juche 39 (1950). He received the qualifications of economy engineer after graduating from a university.
He has worked as premier of the Cabinet since June, Juche 99 (2010) after holding the posts of instructor, head of a section, vice department director, first vice department director and department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, chief secretary of the Kumsusan Assembly Hall, vice-premier of the Administration Council, director of the Central Public Prosecutors Office, secretary general of the SPA Presidium and chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK. -0-