Es ist der 16. Band der "Ausgewählte Werke" von Kim Jong Il in der DVRK veröffentlicht worden.
Das Buch enthält 12 Schriften, die er zwischen Dezember 1991 und April 1992 geschrieben hat.
Unter anderem folgende Schriften sind enthalten (Titel auf englisch):
"The Historical Lesson in Building Socialism and the General Line of Our Party"
"Let Us Further Glorify Our Socialism by Strengthening the Party Work"
"Let Us Further Strengthen Single-minded Unity and Give Full Play to the Korean Nation-first Spirit"
"Let Us Brilliantly Carry Forward and Develop the Revolutionary Traditions of Juche"
"Let Us Give Fuller Play to the Political and Ideological Advantages of the Revolutionary Army"
"On Strengthening the People's Army and Establishing the Social Trait of Giving Priority to Military Affairs"
"On Juche Literature"
"The Feature Film 'The Nation and Destiny' Should Become Great Masterpiece of Our Era"
"On Developing the Light Industry and Improving the Research into Economic Management"
Weitere Beschreibungen zu den einzelnen Schriften finden sich in diesem Link:
Mittlerweile 17. Band der "Ausgewählte Werke" veröffentlicht worden. Das Buch enthält 26 Schriften, die er zwischen Mai 1992 und Mai 1994 geschrieben hat.
Unter anderem folgende Schriften sind enthalten:
"On the Fundamentals of Revolutionary Party Building"
"Let Us More Firmly Strengthen Socialist Revolutionary Position by Doing Party Work Well"
"Let's Give Fuller Play to the Advantages of Our People's Power"
"On Some Problems Arising in the Party, State and Economic Work"
"On Declaring State of Semi-War for Whole Country, People and Army"
Dann noch folgender Hinweis über das Post- und Telekommunikationswesen:
"The book also deals with the ideas, theories and policies for stepping up the modernization of post and tele-communication and improving city management and forestry as required by the developing situation."
Selected Works of Kim Jong Il Published
Volume 18 of Selected Works of Kim Jong Il (enlarged edition) was brought out by the Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House.
The book contains 46 works, including historic treatises, letters and talks published by leader Kim Jong Il from July 1994 to November 1996.
The works comprehensively deal with ideas and theories and policies laid down by Kim Jong Il to encourage the Korean people to overcome their grief over the untimely demise of the father of the nation with thousand-fold strength and courage, advance the socialist construction and improve the party work.
The works like "Let Us Hold the Great Leader Comrade
Kim Il Sung in High Esteem as Eternal President of Our Republic" and "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Will Always Live in the Hearts of Our People and Nation and Humankind" reflect the immortal ideas and theories whereby
Kim Jong Il successfully accomplished the cause of immortalizing the leader for the first time in history.
The book also contains works which call for strengthening and developing the Korean People's Army into an invincible revolutionary army faithful to the party, the leader, the country and its people.
In the works, including "Let Us Make Our Country Richer and More Powerful, True to the Intention of the Great Leader" and "Let Us Live Not Merely for Today But for Tomorrow" he clarified principled matters arising in making the socialist homeland of Juche richer and more powerful.
Also contained in the book are works calling for developing the movement of Koreans in Japan on a higher stage.
Vol. 3 of "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works" Off Press
Vol. 3 of "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works" was published in the DPRK.
It deals with his works in chronological order.
It contains 108 works such as speeches and talks between May and December Juche 50 (1961).
Among the works are "Let Us Glorify the Cause of Our Party Forever" and "On Effectively Guiding Party Life of Party Members in Conformity with Duty of Party Cell".
These works clarify the principled issues to be held fast to in glorifying the cause of the party and developing it into a revolutionary and militant party.
The book includes "Youth and Students Are Masters Responsible for Future of Science and Technology in Our Country" and "Let Us Learn from Revolutionary Habit of Study of Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Fighters".
Those works clarify tasks and ways to bring about a radical change in the study of the students.
There are also in the book "On Solving the Theoretical Issue of Political Economy on the Basis of Our Party's Policy" and "On Some Experiences in Socialist Economic Construction in Our Country".
These works deal with the issue of thoroughly establishing Juche in scientific researches and successes and experiences gained in socialist construction under the leadership of the Party.
There are such works as those clarifying ways to implement the economic policy of the Party.
Among them are "On Giving Full Play to Advantages of Socialist Planned Economy" and "7-year Plan Is Economic Construction Programme for Stepping Up Socialist Construction".
The book contains such works as those dealing with tasks facing the youth and students and service members to play the role of a shock brigade in the efforts to realize the far-reaching plan of President Kim Il Sung to build Pyongyang into a more magnificent and beautiful city and with the issues of popularizing sports and making it part of one's life to practice sports.
It also contains works which give answers to theoretical and practical issues arising in various fields.
Rodong Sinmun