Normale Version: Schiffskollision
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Ein nordkoreanisches Fischerboot und ein südkoreanisches Sandbagger-Schiff sind heute vor dem Hafen von Jangjon, das ist der Hafen beim Kumgang-Berg, zusammengestossen, wobei 2 nordkoreanische Fischer vermißt werden und 2 weitere nordkoreanische Fischer vom südkoreanische Bagger-Schiff gerettet wurden, meldet heute die südkoreanische Nachrichtenagentur:

"N. Korean boat collides with S. Korean ship in East Sea

SEOUL, Aug. 12 (Yonhap) -- A North Korean fishing boat on Tuesday collided with a South Korean sand excavator, leaving at least two people missing, the Unification Ministry said.
The collision took place early Tuesday about 8 kilometers northeast of the North's Jangjon Port in the East Sea, ministry spokesman Kim Ho-nyoun told reporters.
The cause of the accident has yet to be determined.
Four North Korean sailors are believed to have been aboard when the North Korean boat collided with the South's 658-ton excavator "Dongi No. 1," he said. At least two crew members of the North Korean ship are presumed missing with two others rescued by the crew of the South Korean ship, he added.
North Korean Navy boats are searching for the missing crew members, according to military sources. All nine members of the southern ship have been confirmed safe.
"We have not been officially informed of the accident either by the North or by the maritime affairs authorities of the two countries," Kim said. "We're now trying to determine the exact cause of the accident and the scale of damage incurred by the ships."
The crew of the South Korean vessel are expected to be questioned upon their arrival at the North Korean port, he said.
Despite the ministry's initial assessment of Tuesday's collision as a simple accident, some analysts say it is expected to chill the already sour relations between the divided Koreas following the shooting death of a South Korean tourist at the North's Mount Geumgang last month."

Ein weiterer tragischer Vorfall bei den spärlichen nord-süd-koreanischen Beziehungen.
Was mich noch dazu wundert, ist, dass ein südkoreanisches Baggerschiff in einem nordkoreanischen Hafengebiet tätig ist.