Normale Version: US-Amerikaner Pae Jun Ho in Nordkorea festgenommen
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(06.05.2013, 19:26)umergel schrieb: [ -> ]Der gute Amerikaner bleibt nie 15 Jahre in Nordkorea, da wird sicher schon auf geheimer Ebene verhandelt.

Wie kommst du darauf das "sicher schon verhandelt wird" ?
Ich ahne es, über so was redet man nicht, aber es gibt in solchen Fällen immer gewisse auch humanitäre Geheimdiplomatie über oder mit dritten Partnern. Das war früher zu Ost- West Zeiten in Europa und weltweit auch so, kann teilweise auch nachgelesen werden.
Kenneth Bae held for possessing National Geographic film. KCNA confirms Bae worked as YWAM missionary in China
By James Pearson, May 10, 2013 • SEOUL – Detained American Kenneth Bae was arrested for carrying “propaganda materials” into North Korea, including a copy of a 2007 National Geographic documentary called “Don’t tell my mother I’m in North Korea,’ North Korean state media reported early Friday morning. The article, released by the KCNA, identified Bae as being a Youth With a Mission (YWAM) missionary. Bae was dispatched to China by the evangelical organization in April 2006, the article said, and was head of a YWAM mission known as “Operation Jericho.” “When last in America and South Korea, Kenneth Bae went to several churches and preached about the need for North Korea’s immediate collapse,” the article quotes a North Korean spokesperson as saying.
“I knew that Jesus wanted me to be a ‘channel’ to the North,” Bae said during a sermon he delivered to a Korean congregation gathered at a U.S. church in December 2011. NK News broke the news that Bae was a YWAM missionary after a investigation led to the discovery of the above video footage on the church website.
“For the last six years,” North Korea alleges, “Kenneth Bae avoided the eyes of the Chinese security services and sought to gather support from various groups, such as as our own expatriate community, the Chinese and Westerners.” North Korea claims Bae had a following of “1500 people,” and worked with other South Korean missionaries to create an “anti-government coalition.”
“Operation Jericho” attempted to mobilize 250 of Bae’s “followers” to enter Rason, a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) that borders China, and base themselves from the Rajin Hotel, North Korea claims. Jericho is a biblical reference to a city that was closed to the outside. “No one went out and no one came in,” the story says. According to the bible, God “orders “Joshua to lead men around the city,” and “sound trumpets,” after which “the wall of the city will collapse.”
The Korean article, which contains substantially more information than its English-language translation, specifically lists what “propaganda materials” Bae was allegedly carrying into North Korea, including a 2007 National Geographic documentary called “Don’t tell my mother that I am in North Korea.”
The documentary follows filmmaker Diego Buñuel who enters North Korea as a tourist and secretly records his trip. In one scene, Buñuel films in a state-approved North Korean church. “I remember hearing Pope John Paul II call communism unjust and totalitarian, so when I found out there were three catholic churches in Pyongyang, I couldn’t resist. I had to see for my own,” Buñuel says in the film.
“It is written right in our constitution that everyone is free to believe in god, any god,” a member of the state-approved church says. The KCNA article also claims Bae had a book called “1.5 billion in China and North Korea, the world’s last closed nations [15억중국,그리고 지구상 마지막페쇄국 북한].” Nothing could be found on the title following preliminary digging by team NK News.
Bae’s trial was held in secret on April 30, whereupon a North Korean court sentenced him to 15 years of hard labor. “When faced with the reality of his crimes, and on the grounds that evidence and witness testimonies were objectively proven, Kenneth bae admitted the full extent of his crimes during the trial,” the article said, quoting a spokesperson from the North Korean Supreme Court. The explanation from the spokesperson was in the response to questions from the U.S. government and media regarding the opacity of the trial and legal injustice, the article stated.
North Korea has previously imprisoned American citizens for breaking domestic laws, the most high-profile case being the case of journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who illegally crossed the Sino-North Korean border when attempting to speak to refugees. Their detention resulted in a visit to Pyongyang from former U.S. president Bill Clinton, who eventually secured their release from a sentence of 10 months hard labor.
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has visited North Korea three times, securing the release of U.S. prisoner Aijalon Mahli Gomes during his second trip in August 2010. The late Kim Jong Il spurned an opportunity to meet Carter and a visiting Elders Group delegation in April 2010, instead using the occasion to visit China.
Additional reporting by Chad O’Carroll and Gianluca Spezza in London, Andrew Kwon in Washington D.C., Yeseul Loaiza in Los Angeles, Aaron Kaiser-Chen in Chicago
and Justin Rohrlich in New York.

DPRK Supreme Court Spokesman Exposes Crimes of American Pae Jun Ho
Pyongyang, May 9 (KCNA) – The spokesman for the Supreme Court of the DPRK gave an answer to a question raised by KCNA Thursday as regards the assertion made by the U.S. government and media about the legal action taken against American Pae Jun Ho who committed crimes against the DPRK. They claimed that he was not tried in a transparent manner and the DPRK was trying to use this issue as a political bargaining chip.
The spokesman said: Pae set up plot-breeding bases in different places of China for the purpose of toppling the DPRK government from 2006 to October 2012 out of distrust and enmity toward the DPRK. He committed such hostile acts as egging citizens of the DPRK overseas and foreigners on to perpetrate hostile acts to bring down its government while conducting a malignant smear campaign against it. He was caught red handed and prosecuted after entering Rason City of the DPRK with anti-DPRK literature on Nov. 3 last year.
Pae visited different churches of the U.S. and south Korea to preach the necessity and urgency to bring down the DPRK government. He was dispatched to China as a missionary of the international church missionary group with a long mission in April, 2006. After setting up plot-breeding bases disguised with diverse signboards in different parts of China for the past six years, avoiding the eyes of its security organs, he brought together more than 1 500 citizens of the DPRK, China and foreigners before whom he gave anti-DPRK lectures. He invited even south Korean pastors hell-bent on the moves to escalate confrontation with compatriots to give lectures for malignantly slandering the Juche idea of the Workers' Party of Korea and the socialist system in the DPRK and instigating them to the acts to bring down its government.
He planned the so-called "Erico operation" to bring down the DPRK through his anti-DPRK religious activities from December 2010 to March 2012. In order to carry out the plan he infiltrated at least 250 students who had been educated at the plot-breeding bases operated by him into Rason City under the guise of tourists. He failed to set up an anti-DPRK base at Rajin Hotel in Rason City.
He collected and produced several anti-DPRK videos to make the false propaganda sound plausible and showed them to many people in a bid to egg them onto activities to bring down the DPRK government. He bribed Song Je Suk and other citizens of the DPRK on foreign tours in an effort to get them involved in activities to topple the DPRK government. He dared commit such hideous crime as hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK.
The DPRK Supreme Court held a trial of Pae at its court behind closed doors on Apr. 30, 2013 at his request in accordance with Section 270 of the DPRK Criminal Procedure Law. As he refused pleading, the court did not allow the presence of a counsel, pursuant to Section 275 of the above-said law. In the course of hearing Pae admitted all his crimes and they were clearly proved in an objective manner by evidence and testimonies made by witnesses. The court sentenced him to 15 years of hard labor in consideration of candid confession of his crimes though they are liable to face death penalty or life imprisonment for an attempt at state subversion according to Section 60 of the DPRK Criminal Code.
Pae will be fully guaranteed the right as a prisoner according to the DPRK law while in jail. –
Nicht geheim, sondern ganz öffentlich via twitter teilte Dennis Rodman seinem Freund "Kim" mit, dass dieser Pae freilassen möge:
Warum nicht, ein Signal von Bekannten und Partnern zueinander, wenn Telefone nicht funktionieren, aber es gibt sicher über Details und Bedingungen schon geheime diplomatische Bemühungen. In der DDR und im Ost- West Konflikt damals war es u.a. DDR- Rechtsanwalt Vogel, der das Vertrauen aller Mächtigen hatte und humanitären Dinge aushandelte und organisierte.
American Citizen Begins His Life at “Special Prison”
Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) – Pae Jun Ho, an American citizen, started his life at a “special prison” on Tuesday. Pae was sentenced to 15 years’ hard labor for his anti-DPRK crime, an attempt to topple the DPRK, at the trial held on April 30, according to Section 60 (an attempt at state subversion) of the DPRK Criminal Law.
Der in Nordkorea zu 15 Jahren hartem Arbeitslager verurteilte US-Koreaner Kenneth Pae erhält angeblich gerade Besuch (im Arbeitslager ?) von seiner Mutter:
Noch ein US-Amerikaner in Nordkorea seit über 3 Wochen festgesetzt.

US-Aussenministerium warnt vor Reisen nach Nordkorea.
Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency released the following report on Saturday:
A relevant institution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea recently put in custody U.S. citizen Merrill Edward Newman who committed hostile acts against the DPRK after entering the country under the guise of a tourist.
After entering the DPRK as a member of tourists' group in October he perpetrated acts of infringing upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK and slandering its socialist system, quite contrary to the purpose of tour.
He also committed such crime as trying to look for spies and terrorists who conducted espionage and subversive activities against the DPRK in the area of Mt. Kuwol during the last Fatherland Liberation War as well as their families and descendants and connect them with the "Kuwol Partisan Comrades-in-Arms Association," an anti-DPRK plot-breeding organization of south Korea.
According to the results of the investigation, he was active as adviser of "Kuwol Unit" of the UN Korea 6th Partisan Regiment part of the Intelligence Bureau of the Command of the U.S. Forces in the Far East since early in 1953. He is a criminal as he masterminded espionage and subversive activities against the DPRK and in this course he was involved in killings of service personnel of the Korean People's Army and innocent civilians.
The investigation clearly proved Newman's hostile acts against the DPRK and they were backed by evidence. He admitted all his crimes and made an apology for them. -0-

Die Welt berichtet zu Festnahme und Geständnis des US-amerikanischen Kriegsverbrechers Merrill Newman (85): „Laut Auskunft des schwedischen Botschafters in Pjöngjang, der westliche Interessen in Nordkorea wahrnimmt und Newman am Samstag besuchte, geht es ihm gut; er werde anständig behandelt. (…) Für die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten ist die Festnahme Merrill Newmans eine weitere Provokation. Es gibt darauf keine Antwort verschärfter Sanktionen, erst recht keine militärische Drohungen. (…) Der US-Soldat Merrill Newman war 1953 auf der Insel Chodo stationiert; er zählte zu 200 Führungsoffizieren der Amerikaner, die rund 23.000 koreanische Partisanen befehligten. Diese Einheiten verübten Sabotageanschläge und lockten nordkoreanische Soldaten in Hinterhalte. Sollte Newman um ’Amtshilfe‘ gebeten haben, Nachfahren dieser Männer zu finden, war er nicht ganz bei Trost. (…) Ein Kamerad von damals, ein Hauptmann im Ruhestand namens Ben Malcolm, bestätigte in Atlanta gegenüber der ’New York Times‘, dass er und wohl auch Newman nordkoreanische Guerillas geführt hätten. Sie hätten damals alles unternommen, was den Kommunisten schadete: von Überfällen auf Militärdepots und Banken über das Drucken von Falschgeld bis hin zum Diebstahl von Ochsen. So berichtete nicht ohne Stolz der 84 Jahre alte Ben Malcolm. Die Festnahme Newmans habe ihn nicht überrascht: ’Ich würde nie erwägen, nach Nordkorea zu reisen‘. (…)
In seiner reuevollen Selbstanklage sagt Newman allerdings auch, er habe vorgehabt, ’noch lebende Soldaten zu besuchen und für die Seelen gefallener Soldaten zu beten‘. Und wenn er Überlebende getroffen hätte, wollte er sie mit einer Veteranen-Partisanenvereinigung in Südkorea in Verbindung bringen. ’Ich bitte um Vergebung‘, liest der greise Mann gegen Ende seiner Entschuldigung und dem Geständnis von Gräueltaten vor den nordkoreanischen Kameras. Kenner des Landes in den USA werten das als hoffnungsvolles Zeichen. Der US-Missionar Robert Park kam 2009 nach einem Monat Haft frei, als er seine Entschuldigung unterschrieb.“
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