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Die KCNA gab gerade folgende Meldung raus:

Arrested Terrorist Interviewed

Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- Jon Yong Chol, defector to south Korea from the north, was interviewed by reporters at the People's Palace of Culture on Thursday. He was arrested as he was trying to perpetrate hideous crime of destroying statues and monuments in the DPRK at the instructions of the U.S. and south Korean intelligence agencies.

Present at the interview were reporters of DPRK and the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and Chinese, Russian, U.S. and Japanese reporters.

Overseas compatriots took part in the interview as observers.

Jon Yong Chol spoke first. He lived in Songrim-dong No. 2, Songphyong District, Chongjin City of North Hamgyong Province before defecting to south Korea and joining in the moves for destroying monuments of the DPRK by the U.S. and south Korean intelligence agency.

Jon said that he is an unpardonable criminal as he betrayed the motherland and took the criminal path. But he requested for a press conference thinking that he could not die before indicting the south Korean puppet regime for its heinous terrorist plot, he said, and went on:

Finding it hard to overcome temporary difficulties I had been engaged in illegal trading, broking, etc. I received money from a woman and helped her cross the border. Fear of punishment following its disclosure, I fled to China on April 24, 2010.

Wandering here and there I was tempted by an agent of the south Korean Intelligence Service (IS) surnamed Pak and gave him information about the inner situation of the DPRK several times. Guided by him, I went to south Korea. After going through investigation by IS agents and "education" at "Hanawon" I could live in Thoegye-dong, Chunchon City in Kangwon Province of south Korea from March last year.

Referring to the whole story about the course by which he received a terrorist mission from IS agents, Jon Yong Chol went on:

On around November 8 last year when I was frivoling time away without any job, I happened to meet Kim Song Min, who introduced him as representative of the anti-DPRK plot-breeding organization "Front for Liberation of North Korean People" in Seoul with the help of Ri Su Bok whom I got known at "Hanawon."

Kim Song Min is a bad man who defected to south Korea after committing crimes.

He formed a "statue demolition society" in the above-said front. He said that the U.S. and south Korean "government" authorities actively back the "society" with deep interest in it, and persistently persuaded me to join it if I want to make a huge amount of money.

A few days later, Ko Tong Gyun who looked around 40 years old and a man surnamed Sim who looked about 50 called on me saying that they were sent by Kim Song Min.

They said that they provided Kim Song Min with a lot of money for the formation of the "statue demolition society" and terrorist acts but every attempt failed, adding that I seemed to be most suitable to do the job.

They were agents of the south Korean intelligence body who manipulate Kim Song Min behind the scene.

Early in December last year, a "section chief" reminded me of the operation of the "statue demolition society" and briefed me on statue-blowing program and explosive device which was already in preparation.

According to it, the explosive device (launcher) is latest equipment which looked like a thermos bottle capable of destroying at the target within 150-300 meters.

For 12 hours since the target was leveled, it will be in automatic state. When the man who set it switches it on by remote controller within 4-6 kilometers, it will be automatically launched to blow the target.

They told me about the process of the "undertaking".

When the manufacture of explosive device was completed, the user first was to go to the area of China bordering the DPRK and be on standby after casing the target. The explosive device is a terrorist weapon under worldwide control. It consists of three parts. The three parts were to be smuggled separately through different routes and assembled on the spot before undergoing performance test. Finally it was to be handed over to the man who was to carry out the "undertaking". The terrorist would go to the DPRK via secret route and set the device ready to go off. When the exploding time is set on the spot, a satellite would photograph the area while staying in the sky above the area for 30 minutes or an hour before the explosion.

Jon Yong Chol then elaborated on how the south Korean puppet regime drew up the operation and tried to put it into practice.

At about 8:30 a.m. on December 21 last year, the "section chief" and two agents again called on me to give me the operation program they had worked out, Jon said, adding:

According to it, I was to get disguised as smuggler and prepare two same boxes which looked like the box of personal belongings. I was to give one box with bribes in it to a smuggler who opened up the secret border path and carry another one containing the launcher to my mother's, to stave off his suspicion.

I was to go up to the rooftop of an apartment before the statue and set the explosive device under the roof and then drop in at my mother's house. There I was to give a mobile phone containing the remote controller to my mother and request her to press the button of the mobile phone (button of remote controller) to call me if there is no news from me until 7 o'clock in the morning. Then I was to leave the house.

I was to cross the border again to China with the smuggler's help and destroy the statue by pressing the button of another remote controller which I was carrying.

According to the program, if my remote controller does not work for any impairment, my mother was to press the button to call me and then the statue will automatically be destroyed.

Those agents sped to the U.S. saying that the program should finally be approved by the U.S. to get funded.

On December 27, the agents called on me to say that the program was approved by the U.S. and I must succeed this time.

I set February as the month for demolition, but the "undertaking" had to be prolonged to April as the explosive device was not prepared.

They said if April 15 is set as the day of the "undertaking", it would spoil the atmosphere for celebrations of the Day of the Sun which the north had prepared with much effort, spread the rumor and stir up the mindset of the people in the north, adding that it will thus spark off a big furor. They emphasized that the incident should be spread to have been committed by the people in the DPRK not by outside forces.

This was the purpose sought by the U.S. and south Korean puppet regime.

On March 24, 2012, I arrived in Yanji, China by air.

But, the "undertaking" slated for April had to be postponed again because explosive device was not ready.

According to the "undertaking" program slated for 00:00 on July 27, the anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, I went to China again together with Ko Tong Gyun on May 5.

When we were standing by in Yanji, Ko showed me the technical manual of the explosive device which included detailed information about assembling and use of the launcher and the results of explosion, etc.

If succeeded, the explosion will reduce the target to ashes and the remaining parts of the explosive device will also go off. So, no one will be able to know about it except the one who remote-controlled it.

I, together with Ko, made preparations to open the border route as indicated by Sim.

At around 9:30 p.m. on May 13, I went to the opposite shore of Tuman River with Ko and Sim to assure them of the security of the secret border route.

That day Sim told me to wait for future instruction, saying blasting installations would be ready by the end of June.

In the meantime I constantly got in touch with Sim who returned to south Korea and a guy called Son Ki Man who introduced himself as chief of the Defense Security Command of the south Korean army.

This indicates the general mobilization of south Korean intelligence and plot-breeding organs.

As it is not bad to confirm the spot, I crossed the border at around 11:00 p.m. on June 18 and made my way to the border city in the DPRK side. After learning about the statue and its surrounding area, I was going back to the border side when I was arrested at around 2:00 a.m.

However, this did not mean an end to mean plot of the enemies.

Though I was detected and arrested, the U.S. and the south Korean intelligence organs would continue producing more Jon Yong Chol and make desperate efforts to put into practice hideous terrorist plots which they failed this time.

I came to clearly know through my experiences that their reckless acts are just as foolish a daydream as trying to sweep the sea with a broom.

Answering questions raised by journalists, Jon Yong Chol said that the south Korean regime set up "groups" and "organizations" with defectors to the south, other betrayers and wicked hostile elements, kicking up madcap anti-DPRK confrontation rackets.

He named the "Front for Liberation of North Korean People" as a typical example. This is a plot-breeding organization the purpose of which is to undermine the DPRK and "overturn its social system."

Recently, they are hatching a mean plot to infiltrate "special operation team" into the DPRK being assigned the duty of raising "turmoil" in it.

An organization specializes in writing graffiti on public buildings and spreading false rumors at markets in the north.

South Korean conservative media as well as "Radio Free North Korea" and "Radio North Korean Reform" mainly consisting of defectors to the south are being engaged in slandering the DPRK almost every day.

Meanwhile, the regime prods ultra-right conservative organizations and gangsters to hold "lectures", "round-table talks", "seminar" and the like every day to find fault with the DPRK.

Jon cited detailed facts to prove that the U.S. is being deeply involved in the recent hideous political-motivated terrorist case.

He confessed that he not only betrayed his family, home and the country but also perpetrated the high treason of hurting them, being preoccupied with getting money.

Those who get involved in the south Korean regime's terrorist acts and sabotage, being bribed by money, will only meet disgrace and death being branded as traitors, he said, adding: I would like to advise them to take a proper way for the country and people though belatedly.

The U.S. and south Korean regime had better stop imprudent acts, well aware that they can never break the close single-minded unity in the DPRK, no matter how desperately they may try to escalate confrontation with it. -0-


Though I was detected and arrested, the U.S. and the south Korean intelligence organs would continue producing more Jon Yong Chol and make desperate efforts to put into practice hideous terrorist plots which they failed this time.

wie hat er dies wohl rausbekommen?
Also doch ein versuchter Sprenstoffanschlag im Auftrag der USA und des Marionettenregimes in Südkorea.
Ziel: Die Zerstörung des Sozialismus.
Das ist er:

Am Ende werden auch ein südkoreanischer Ausweis und Visitenkarten gezeigt.
Ich finde es gut, dass man sowas öffentlich zur Schau stellt (wie eben auch die Rückkehrerin).
Das beweist eigentlich, dass die DVRK den Mut und auch die Stärke hat, auch solche Themen zu erwähnen.
Tja, schauen wir mal, wie dieser Schauprozeß weitergeht.
wenn es wirklich so war, wie hier beschrieben, dann verurteile ich es.

Allerdings wird auch in diesem Text ganz klar gesagt, dass es sich um eine nicht-staatliche paramilitärische Organisation handele, die auch von staatlicher (bzw. geheimdienstlicher) Seite unterstützt werde. Mir sieht das eher aus wie ein "kann nicht schaden; hier haste ein paar Dollar, mach mal!", anstatt wie eine ausgeklügelte Strategie der amerikanischen oder südkoreanischen Regierung.

Und man muss auch bedenken, dass er das in Nordkorea gesagt hat, also nicht gerade an einem "neutralen" Ort. Ihr wisst, was ich meine.
(19.07.2012, 18:03)Leser schrieb: [ -> ]Tja, schauen wir mal, wie dieser Schauprozeß weitergeht.

Sehr unhöflich. Ich dachte, du würdest alle Quellen neutral bewerten?

(19.07.2012, 18:05)Schwabe schrieb: [ -> ]wenn es wirklich so war, wie hier beschrieben, dann verurteile ich es.

Allerdings wird auch in diesem Text ganz klar gesagt, dass es sich um eine nicht-staatliche paramilitärische Organisation handele, die auch von staatlicher (bzw. geheimdienstlicher) Seite unterstützt werde. Mir sieht das eher aus wie ein "kann nicht schaden; hier haste ein paar Dollar, mach mal!", anstatt wie eine ausgeklügelte Strategie der amerikanischen oder südkoreanischen Regierung.

Und man muss auch bedenken, dass er das in Nordkorea gesagt hat, also nicht gerade an einem "neutralen" Ort. Ihr wisst, was ich meine.

Natürlich, aber allein schon, dass er es gesagt hat, lässt auf einen dementsprechenden Wahrheitsgehalt schließen.
Ich sagte doch schon, daß ich die Story so nicht glaube. Also bin ich hier nicht neutral. Das aber nicht aus Prinzip und gegen Nordkorea, sondern weil ich die Story zu abstrus finde, soweit es die Beteiligung regierungsnaher Organisationen der USA oder Südkoreas angeht.

Und ein Schauprozeß scheint es zu werden, weil die DVRK anscheinend ein Interesse hat, es öffentlich zu machen.
Gut das nun hierzu weitere Fakten vorliegen. Neben dem offenen Umgang mit dem Thema finde ich die Anwesenheit ausländischer Berichterstatter auch sehr interessant. Hoffentlich wird die Sachlache von diesen auch nocheinmal seriös dargelegt.
Die Auftraggeber einer solchen infamermen Aktion zur Destabilisierung könnten durchaus aus den USA oder Südkorea kommen. Solche Destabilisierungsversuche hat es in der Vergangenheit seitens der CIA auch in anderen Ländern gegeben und sind durchaus Taktik gewisse instabile Zustände oder gar Konflikte zugunsten den USA herbei zuführen. Trainingslager hierzu befanden oder befinden sich u.a auch in Südamerika (Guatemala). Auch wenn es etwas vom Thema abweicht, kann ich zu diesen Machenschaften einmal folgende Literatur empfehlen. "Bananen - Krieg" von Stephen Schlesinger, Stephen Kinzer und Harrison. Salisbury. Der Wahrheitsgehalt wurde schon von vielen bestätigt.
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